Collective Exhibition "Zapato es Arte" - with the artist Mai Bavoso – COUROMODA (World Shoes and Leather Goods Fair) Parque de Exposiciones Anhembi – San Pablo / SP - "Zapato es Arte” - with the plastic artist Mai Bavoso - New Shopping - Nuevo Hamburgo / RS - "Zapato es Arte" - with the artist Mai Bavoso – SICC Salón Internacional del Cuero y el Calzado – Gramado / RS - In honor of the "International Women's Day" Solo Exhibition in Renosul - New Hamburg / RS - "Zapato es Arte" - with the plastic artist Mai Bavoso – 29th FIMEC - Pabellones del FENAC - New Hamburg / RS - "Ejecución Trofeo Destaques Radio Gaucha/Fenac at the 29th FIMEC" - Collective Exhibition "Margs va al Shopping"- Shopping Iguatemi - Porto Alegre / RS - "Zapato is Art" - with the artist Mai Bavoso - WSA Shoe Show - Mandalay Bay Resort - Las Vegas / USA - "Zapato is Art" - with the artist Mai Bavoso – SICC Salón Internacional del Cuero y el Calzado - "Factory de las Flores" – Exposición Individual - Galería Graffiti – Uruguayana / RS_cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_.
Launching of your stamp "World Day of Potable Water" (Mercosur Special Edition) – Brazilian Company of Correos y Telégrafos – Collective Exhibition "Zapatos y Cueros" - with the plastic artist Mai Bavoso – COUROMODA (World Shoes and Items Fair) Parque de Exposiciones Anhembi – San Pablo / SP – Individual Exhibition "Fábrica de las Flores"- Municipal Art Gallery of Caxias del Sur / RS – Exhibition of Zapato Object "Zapato as a support of art" GDS Germany (stand of the “Abicalçados” - Brazil) - "Zapatos y Cueros" - with the plastic artist Mai Bavoso – SICC (International Exhibition of Shoes and Shoes) – Collective Exhibition "Arte 15" – Municipal Gallery of Culture of Rio Grande / RS. – Solo exhibition in celebration of the 77th anniversary of the city: Homenaje a Nuevo Hamburgo 3 Themes: “Hamburgo Viejo” – “Cuero es Arte” – “Fábrica de las Flores” – Nuevo Shopping Nuevo Hamburgo - "Zapatos y Cueros" - with the plastic artist Mai Bavoso – FIMEC - Pabellones de la Fenac - Nuevo Hamburgo / RS - Enartes Project – Collective Exhibition “Misiones Jesuíticas del Brasil” Municipal Pinacoteca de Nuevo Hamburgo (Espacio Cultural Albano Hartz) / RS Project ERNATES- Collective Exhibition "Azores here and there" in the municipal center of culture – Espumoso / RS - Municipal Pinacoteca de Nuevo Hamburgo (Espacio Cultural Albano Hartz) / RS - Launch of the Project of Aparcería con Territorio Nacional "Arte en el Zapato" in the Francal - Parque del Anhembi - San Pablo - SP - Launch of the Appearance Project with National Territory "Art in the Zapato" in the National Museum of Footwear - New Hamburg / RS - "Art in the Zapatos" - with the plastic artist Mai Bavoso – FENAC is ilo COUROMODA (National Fair of shoes and leather articles) Pabellones del FENAC – Nuevo Hamburgo / RS.
Enartes Project – Collective Exhibition “Misiones Jesuíticas del Brasil” – Xico Stockinger Gallery - Mario Quintana House of Culture – Porto Alegre / RS – Guaporé House of Culture / RS - Triunfo House of Culture / RS – Former “Paso do Municipality” - Municipal Council – Viana do Castelo (Portugal) – “Casa dos Crivos” – Municipal Council – Braga (Portugal) Abad Pedrosa Municipal Museum – Municipal Council – Santo Tirso (Portugal) - Collective Exhibition "Azores there and here" Casa de la Culture Érico Verisimo - Porto Alegre / RS. Collective Exhibition “Grupo Arte 15” – Municipal Gallery of the House of Culture Percy Vargas de Abreu y Lima – Caxias del Sur / RS - Collective Exhibition “Grupo Arte 15” – Shopping Iguatemi – Caxias del Sur / RS - “Zapatos y Cueros ” - with the plastic artist Mai Bavoso – SICC Salón Internacional del Cuero y el Calzado – Gramado / RS - Collective Exhibition - “Bourbon Country Arte 2003” – Grupo Arte 15 – Bourbon Country Shopping – Porto Alegre / RS - Collective Exhibition “Tributo a Ayrton Senna” – with the plastic artists: E. Catini, Flávio Mayummi, Mai Bavoso, Sandro Corradin and works from the collection of the Ayrton Senna Institute. Curated by Sandra Setti and Adriana Martini – Hilton São Paulo Morumbí – San Pablo / SP – Individual Exhibition - “Leather is Art” – Source International – CICB – Jacob Javits Convention Center, New York, NY USA – Collective Exhibition “Zapatos y Cueros” - with the plastic artist Mai Bavoso – COUROMODA (World Shoes and Leather Goods Fair) Parque de Exposiciones Anhembi – San Pablo / SP - “Zapatos y Cueros” - with the plastic artist Mai Bavoso – FENAC style COUROMODA (National Shoes Fair) and leather articles) Pabellones del Fenac – New Hamburg / RS - “Zapatos y Cueros” - with the plastic artist Mai Bavoso – FIMEC (International Fair of Materials for Leather Footwear) Pabellones del Fenac – New Hamburg / RS – Collective Exhibition “El Arte Visita la Moda” – Nuevo Shopping – Nuevo Hamburgo / RS - Collective Exhibition “Grupo Arte 15” – Galería Estudio Arte Integrada – Nuevo Hamburgo / RS – Collective Exhibition - With the Artists Marciano Schmitz, Mai Bavoso, Enio L ipman, Rosi Moreno – “Springs” – Integrated Art Studio – Nuevo Hamburgo / RS – 6th place in the 1st Canson Prize for Painting and Design / San Pablo – Artist invitated to the 10th National Exhibition and 2nd Exhibition of Mercosur de la Pintura Artística / Porto Alegre.
Collective Exhibition "Verán Arte Iguatemi" - with the plastic artists Mai Bavoso and José Carlos Martins - Shopping Iguatemi / Porto Alegre / RS - "Zapatos y Cueros" - with the plastic artist Mai Bavoso - COUROMODA ( World Shoes and Footwear Fair) Anhembi Exhibition Park – San Pablo / SP - Collective Exhibition "A3" with the artists Mai Bavoso and José Carlos Martins - New Shopping – New Hamburg / RS - Collective Exhibition Project Brasileño Beata "Vergine Delle Lacrime" – Treviglio (Italy) - Collective Exhibition "ARTS" with the artists Kenji Fucuda, Inos Corradin, Claudio Tozzi, Chen Kong Fang among others - Center Vale Shopping - San José de los Campos / SP - Collective Exhibition "Olhar POA" ( In celebration of the 230 years of the city of Porto Alegre) with the artist Mai Bavoso - Shopping Iguatemi- Porto Alegre / RS - Collective Exhibition "Zapatos y Cueros" - together with the artist Mai Bavoso - FIMEC (Fair I International Exhibition of Equipment and Machines for Footwear and Skins) - Collective Exhibition "Zapatos y Cueros" - together with the artist Mai Bavoso - Swan Tower Flat Residence – Nuevo Hamburgo / RS - Collective Exhibition "Arte 15 de Todo el Santos" - Grupo arte 15 - Campanas Shopping - SL / RS - Collective Exhibition "Gremio Náutico Unión" – Porto Alegre / RS - Collective Exhibition "Calzados: Arte Magia" (where he donated the work for the collection) - Museo Nacional del Calzado – Nuevo Hamburgo / RS - Exhibition Collective "Zapatos y Cueros" - together with the artist Mai Bavoso - FENAC COUROMODA style – FENAC - Nuevo Hamburgo / RS - Collective Exhibition "II International Art Exhibition" (where I participated as a workshop teacher) - Canela / RS - Collective Exhibition "Cuero, footwear and other themes" with the plastic artist Mai Bavoso and - Black Bull Cultural Space - Gramado / RS - Casa Color - 2002 – Porto Alegre / RS - ERNATES Project - Collective Exhibition "Jesuitic Missions of Brazil " in the center m Unicipal Culture and Diary of the GACETA in Santa Cruz del Sur - Collective Exhibition "Opera Mea 2003" (where I participated in the commemorative calendar for the 75 years of Nuevo Hamburgo) in the Modern Art gallery in Nuevo Hamburgo / RS.
Solo Exhibition "Nocturno" - Integrated Art Studio – Nuevo Hamburgo / RS - ERNATES Project Collective Exhibition "Misiones Jesuíticas del Brasil" - Cultural Space FAMURS / Porto Alegre / RS - EARTES Project Collective Exhibition "Misiones Jesuíticas del Brasil" - Museum of Primitive Art Moderna – Guimarães (Portugal) - Collective Exhibition "Zapatos y Cueros" jointly with the plastic artist Mai Bavoso - FIMEC (International Fair of Equipos para Calzados e Curtidurías) - Collective Exhibition "Zapatos y Cueros" jointly with the plastic artist Mai Bavoso - FENAC (Feria Nacional del Calzado) - Collective Exhibition "Arte 15" GRUPO ARTE 15 - Nuevo Shopping - Nuevo Hamburgo / RS - Collective Exhibition "Visiones de San Francisco" - Campanas Shopping - San Leopoldo / RS.
Individual Exhibition "Opera Mea" (where he participated in the "Individual" Annual Calendar showing a brief review of his work) Municipal Library of Campo Bueno / RS - In the Cultural Center of Sapiranga / RS - In the Municipal Ayuntamiento de Feliz / RS – Exhibition Individual "Nocturnas y Otras Temas" - Espacio Miró - Centro Cultural Brasil/España – Porto Alegre / RS - ERNATES Project - Collective Exhibition "500 years of the discovery of Brazil" Palacio de Fonseca, Santiago de Compostela – Spain - ERNATES Project - Collective Exhibition "Quinientos años de nasc. de Carlos V" Miró Art Space, Cultural Center Brazil / Spain – Porto Alegre / RS - ERNATES Project - "Enartes" Collective Exhibition Francisco José Frantz Cultural Center - Santa Cruz del Sur / RS - ERNATES Project - Collective Exhibition "Enartes" Municipal Culture Center of Gramado / RS - Selected Guía Listel de Firmantes - Porto Alegre / RS.
Solo Exhibition "Fábrica de las Flores" Gallery Encuentro de las Artes – Porto Alegre / RS - ERNATES Project - Collective Exhibition "Enartes" Parque del Inmigrante - Nueva Petrópolis / RS - ERNATES Project - Collective Exhibition "Enartes" Municipal Cultural Center - Santa Cruz del Sur / RS - ERNATES Project - Collective Exhibition "Enartes" Club Recreativo y Cultural Armonía - Frederico Westphalen / RS - ERNATES Project - Collective Exhibition "Enartes" Municipal Cultural Center - Gramado / RS - Collective Exhibition "Mirar" Pinacoteca del FEEVALE – Nuevo Hamburgo / RS - Collective Exhibition "Tri Legal +2" (Marilia Fayh, Rosana Almendares, Mai Bavoso and José Carlos Martins) Salón Noble del Ayuntamiento de Bento Gonçalves / RS - Selected - Tapa de la Guía LISTEL - "Valle de los Sinos", "Región Metropolitana", "Región Sur del Estado", "Región Oeste y Frontera del Estado" - Selected - Artist Bank of the Empresa Brasileña de Correos y Telégrafos.
ERNATES Project - Collective Exhibition "Enartes" MASM - Art Museum of Santa Maria / RS - ERNATES Project - Collective Exhibition "Enartes" House of Culture Percy Vargas de Abreu y Lima - Caxias del Sur / RS - ERNATES Project - Collective Exhibition " Enartes" Casa Cero Hora - "Centenario de Federico García Lorca" – Nuevo Hamburg / RS- ENATES Project - Collective Exhibition "Enartes" Casa Cero Hora – Nuevo Hamburg / RS - ENATES Project - Collective Exhibition "Enartes" Casa de la Cultura Pedro Wayne - Bagé / RS - ERNATES Project - "Enartes" Collective Exhibition Salón Noble del Ayuntamiento de Bento Gonçalves / RS - ERNATES Project - "Enartes" Collective Exhibition Centro Cultural Dr. Pedro Marini - Uruguayana / RS - ERNATES Project - Collective Exhibition "Centenario de Federico García Lorca"- Cultural Center Brazil/Spain – Porto Alegre / RS - ERNATES Project - Collective Exhibition "Centenario de Federico García Lorca" Casa de la Cultura Pedro Wayne - Bagé / RS - Grupo Arte 15 "Arte 15" - Campanas Shopping - San Leopoldo / RS - Grupo Arte 15 "Arte 15" Nuevo Shopping – Nuevo Hamburgo / RS - Grupo Arte 15 "Arte 15" Casa de la Cultura Mario Quintana - Porto Alegre / RS - Grupo Arte 15 "Arte 15" Cultural Space Asociación de los Cajeros Viajantes - Porto Alegre / RS - Created a panel (20.78m x 3m) for the Adams Street Bowling Bar.
Collective Exhibition "Flowers, Pieces, Manzanas" - Modern Art Gallery – Nuevo Hamburgo - ERNATES Project -
"Alices among friends" - Encuentro de las Artes Gallery – Porto Alegre / RS.
Solo Exhibition - Serie "Shoe Factory" - Integrated Art Studio Nuevo Hamburgo - Art Space at Casa Cero Hora – Nuevo Hamburgo / RS.
Collective Exhibition Galería de Arte Modernidad - Nuevo Hamburgo / RS - He created a panel on shoes (5m x 1.5m) for the Centro Tecnológico del Cuero, Calzados y Afines - CTCCA – Nuevo Hamburgo / RS.
Individual Exhibition - Series "Fábrica de las Flores" - Integrated Art Studio – Nuevo Hamburgo / RS.
Collective exhibition with the artists Mai Bavoso and Simone Rosa - Santa Maria Art Museum - Integrated Art Studio - Nuevo Hamburgo / RS.
Individual Exhibition - Project "Sinos que te quiero vivo" Series "Lixão" - Municipal Cultural Centers of the Municipalities of the Valle de las Campanas / RS - Collective Exhibition "3º Muestra Latino - Americana de Artes Plásticas" - Santa Maria / RS – Exhibition Solo - "Roadside Tents" Estudio Arte Integrado – Nuevo Hamburgo / RS. - Exposición Colectiva Proyecto Arte Alerta "Aparados en Peligro" - Usina del Gasómetro – Porto Alegre / RS.
Solo Exhibition "Hamburgo Viejo" - Modernidad Art Gallery – Nuevo Hamburgo / RS.
Selected to cover the telephone guide LISTEL - Valle de las Campanas / 88.
Awarded - 1st Place for distribution in the 1st Salon Canoense de Artes Plásticas – Canoas / RS - 44th Salón Paranaense de Artes Plásticas Collective Exhibition - Installation and performance - "Grupo Valão" (Flávio Scholles, Rogério Rauber, Mai Bavoso) - Curitiba / PR .
Individual Exhibition Contemporary Art Gallery - Nuevo Hamburgo / RS.
Awarded - 1st place in painting at the 7th Salon de Artes de la FEEVALE – Nuevo Hamburgo / RS.
Awarded - 1st Place awarded at the 6th FEEVALE Arts Salon - Nuevo Hamburgo / RS.
Awarded - 1st Place in the "Contest of Panels on German Inmigration" – Nuevo Hamburgo / RS. - 1st place in the youth category in the painting and drawing contest - Paints killing / SESCBRAL, pabellones del FENAC – Nuevo Hamburgo / RS.